Welcome to you

I decided to have a Voki on my homepage to say welcome to the people who come and look at my website, I thought a Voki was a good idea because people can click the button to make him talk and also move the mouse to make him look around. This makes the page more active and makes people more likely to stay and look around.

If you have a good internet connection the Voki starts really quickly, but if the internet is slow that causes a problem. If the Voki doesn't load it makes it look like there is big gap on the page! Like lots of things on the internet it doesn't cost anything to make a Voki. There are lots of websites with free tools that allow you to add interesting things to your website.

I made this website using an online website builder called Weebly. You can use software to make a website, but it means that you always have to use the same computer. If you use an online tool like Weebly then you can work on it anywhere and anytime - you just need an internet connection. There are lots of different designs to choose from and you can make changes so that the website doesn't look like all the others.
You can click here to make your own Voki. Its free you just have to register and click the activation code.

Beat Bullying!

Last year my Media group went to film and photograph the Beat Bullying conference. You can see my images and the film I made. It was really interesting to work as a group to try and capture the event. The great thing about having a website is that I can create a link to all the digital media i created about the conference.

It was also great because it all happened at Charlton Football Club which, apart from Manchester United is my favourite football club. You can find out more about my favourite Man Utd on this page.

I really hope you enjoy my film and photographs